Gum health is as crucial as the health of our teeth. As much as teeth are important to us for functional, health, and/or aesthetic reasons, our supporting tissues such as our gums are equally important. Healthy gums are essential since, without them, even the healthiest teeth can't function properly. In the worst-case scenario, poor gum health could lead to tooth loss. Furthermore, since our mouth serves as a gateway to our overall health, bacteria from gum disease can have both direct and indirect impacts on our systemic health.
Gum disease, or periodontal disease in general is like high blood pressure in a way that it doesn't cause discomfort/symptoms daily. However, if left untreated, the damage could be extensive to a point that you might lose teeth.
One of the earliest signs of gum disease is bleeding gums during brushing or flossing. At this stage, the condition is still reversible, but if left untreated, it can advance to periodontal disease, causing irreversible damage to oral health. Patients often describe gum or periodontal disease as having a "dull, achy" pain that comes and goes. More advanced gum disease can even lead to teeth feeling mobile.
Certain individuals are more susceptible to gum disease, with known risk factors including diabetes and smoking. However, gum disease can affect anyone, regardless of age, if bacteria in the form of plaque and calculus are not properly removed. Prevention is key, and regular dental check-ups and cleanings at least every six months are crucial to maintaining healthy gums.
If you haven't had a dental cleaning in over six months or if you notice any signs of gum disease—such as bleeding gums, dull achy pain, foul odor, or loose teeth—it's time to visit your dentist. During your routine dental checkups and cleaning we can help detect and treat gum disease if present. Scaling your teeth to remove harmful bacteria that is the cause of gum disease is the first thing we do. In some cases, additional treatment might be necessary - such as SRP, otherwise known as a deep cleaning.
If you are experiencing any symptoms or have any questions call our office immediately!