Raising Awareness for TMJ Syndrome This Month

This month, we are dedicating our efforts to TMJ Awareness Month. Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) syndrome impacts countless individuals annually, and by highlighting this condition, we hope to provide support and valuable information to those affected.

TMJ is a joint that connects your jaw to your skull. It is one of the most complex joints in our body since it makes your jaw move in basically every direction (forward, backward, up, down, left, and right), whereas knee joint for example only moves in one direction. Also, left and right TMJ's are connected which makes it even more complex.

Due to the complexity of the joint, there is no simple scan or test that will tell us everything. Evaluations by professionals are recommended. This usually consists of a clinical exam, x-ray, CT scan, or MRI to diagnose TMJ issues.

If you’re not sure if you are suffering from TMJ issues, you may experience symptoms such as popping noise or difficulty opening wide, jaw pain around your ear, or pain when biting down hard.

Thankfully today, there are many treatment options available, however usually taking a conservative first step is recommended. PT, injection, mouth guard are commonly used methods to treat TMD. If you don’t intervene in time, this could progress to get worse.

Early detection/intervention is key to successful treatment. Don't wait until it is too late!

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